Rexasaurus Rex

Created by • Written by • Developed by
REXASARUS REX is an upcoming children's book starring the titular character Rex, the worlds last remaining dinosaur mysteriously come to life as well as his friends Petunia, Jimmy, Professor Rand, Agatha Rand, Alan (Petunia's father), and Blake Rand.
REXASARUS REX is currently in production will be launching very soon.
Fiction Writing | Scriptwriting | Production | Development
REXASARUS REX is an upcoming children's book starring the titular character Rex, the worlds last remaining dinosaur mysteriously come to life as well as his friends Petunia, Jimmy, Professor Rand, Agatha Rand, Alan (Petunia's father), and Blake Rand.
REXASARUS REX is currently in production will be launching very soon.
Fiction Writing | Scriptwriting | Production | Development